
Моята снимка
We support your business: - All consultants in one place - lawyers, certified public accountant and accountant; - All services in one place - the registration of companies and changes in circumstances. Accounting and legal services, tax and financial advice; - Confidentiality - the company operates the personal data and our team is obliged not to use the personal data and documents, directly or indirectly, for personal gain or for the benefit of third parties; - Convenient location – Bulgaria, Sofia city, Shipka str. 24, ap.4

16.10.2014 г.

Weather in Bulgaria

The weather in Bulgaria can vary dramatically between the different regions.
From the high mountains to the Danube river and eastward to the Black Sea coast you will find both in summer and winter differences of upto 20 degrees.
The predominant climate in Bulgaria is moderate and transitional continental. (2,000 to 2,400 hours of sunlight per year). 
Four seasons. Dry and hot summer.
The Summer temperature ranges between 16° and 30° C. 
The average Winter temperature ranges between -15° and 6° C.